Hello Beekeepers!
We hope that you are enjoying the final stretch of the honey production times of Beekeeping and that you will get to enjoy the fruits of the Bees and your own labour. The common theme for many this year is that overall it has been an usual year for honey production, with the endless rain being a significant disruptor for our foraging friends.
But as we begin our harvesting activities it is also vital that we start preparing our colonies for winter and setting them up for success. With that, we are privileged to have Dr Mary Coffey talk to us about American Foul Brood for our August talk. A talk that is critical any time of the year.
We therefore hope you can mark time in your calendar to attend, and please don’t forget those notebooks & pens!
August Meeting
Topic: AFB and how to detect, manage, and prevention.
Speaker: Dr Mary Coffey
Date: Wednesday, 21st August 2024
Time: 8:00 PM (GMT)
Platform: Zoom (details will be sent by email)