Beginner Beekeeping Course 2024 – West Cork
Learn everything you need to know to start beekeeping with this comprehensive online course delivered by highly experienced beekeepers.
Note: The beginners’ course includes 2024 membership fees. No need to buy a separate membership!
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If you’ve ever dreamed of being a beekeeper, or simply want to know more about these fascinating insects, then this is the course for you! Learn everything you need to know to start beekeeping with this comprehensive online course delivered by highly experienced and qualified beekeepers.
The course will be held online via Zoom video sessions, followed by hands-on practical sessions at our apiaries in West Cork throughout the season (weather permitting).
The course will be held over 8 evenings, beginning on Tuesday, March 12th 2024.
- Eight live lectures and Q&A sessions from highly experienced beekeepers
- A practical, hands-on session
- A copy of the bestselling introductory beekeeping book, Haynes Bee Manual by Claire & Adrian Waring
- A year’s membership of Fastnet Area Beekeepers Association, which includes:
- Monthly lectures (Covid permitting in person or otherwise via Zoom)
- A year’s subscription to FIBKA’s monthly An Beachaire magazine
- Third-Party Insurance via the FIBKA scheme
- Hands-on demonstrations in our apiary
- Access to association equipment, e.g. honey extractor
- Being part of a network of like-minded enthusiasts
- Affiliation with FIBKA, the Federation of Irish Beekeepers Associations
- Webinars and Lectures
- Access to library
- A unified voice in all aspects of beekeeping
- Introduction to Beekeeping
- Beekeeping Equipment
- Natural History of the Honey Bee
- Pollen & Nectar
- Positioning & Swarming
- Diseases & Poisonings
- Harvesting
- Manipulation of a Colony – Practical
Note: we require your postal address when you register for the course, as we need this to send you your copy of Haynes Bee Manual, as well as your monthly copy of An Beachaire magazine.
You can also pay by direct debit to our bank account (BIC: AIBKIE2D and IBAN: IE62 AIBK 9363 7516 0540 27), but please include your name on any transfer and contact us to let us know.
If you have any questions at all, please get in touch. Happy beekeeping!
Fastnet Area Beekeepers Association is completely non-profit and everyone involved works on a voluntary basis. Any money raised from fees goes right back into the association to fund group equipment, the association apiary, speaker fees, workshops and the like.